Tyrvaya is a prescription nasal spray used to treat the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease

Savings &supportthat may be
available to you

Actor portrayals

You have options to get Tyrvaya® through:

*Limitations apply. Eligible, commercially insured patients with coverage for Tyrvaya pay as little as $10, up to a savings maximum of $275 for each 30-day prescription, and as little as $10, up to a savings maximum of $825 for each 90-day prescription. Patient is responsible for any out‑of‑pocket costs once monthly savings limit is reached. This Savings Offer expires 12/31/2025. Offer not valid under Medicare, Medicaid, or any other federal or state program. Offer not valid for non-insured/cash-paying patients. Oyster Point reserves the right to change or discontinue this offer at any time, without notice. See complete Terms and Conditions at Tyrvaya.com for details.

Your Tyrvaya,

your team

TEAMTyrvaya is a free patient support program made up of people who are dedicated to helping you. Once your doctor prescribes Tyrvaya, our goal is to make getting it as simple as possible.

Savings & Financial Help

Pay as little as $10 for a 30-day or 90-day prescription


Save a trip to the pharmacy and get Tyrvaya delivered right to your door

Support Throughout the Insurance Process

No matter what insurance you have, we'll help you find out if you're covered

Refill Reminders

Get text refill reminders so you're never without your Tyrvaya

tips & tools

We'll send important information and resources right to your inbox

For eligible patients with commercial insurance. Limitations apply.

Two ways

to get started with Tyrvaya

Get reimbursed:
Pharmacy couldn't process your savings offer? No problem! If you're an eligible, commercially insured Tyrvaya patient, download and complete this form to get your rebate check in the mail.

reimbursement form

Cost of Tyrvaya

The amount you pay for Tyrvaya can depend on your insurance type and level of coverage. The list price, also known as the Wholesale Acquisition Cost (WAC), for a 30-day supply of Tyrvaya is $685.39. The WAC may not reflect the price paid by the patient.

Over 90% of patients using the Tyrvaya Savings Offer pay no more than $10 for their 30-day supply of Tyrvaya—including refills.

Actor portrayals

Start spraying the news! Tyrvaya is covered for 2 out of 3 commercially insured patients and is NOW COVERED by several Medicare prescription insurance plans

Sign up to save on Tyrvaya with our savings offer

Actor portrayal

Have questions
about Tyrvaya?

Contact us

Important Safety

What are the possible side effects of Tyrvaya?

The most common side effects of Tyrvaya include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation.

Important information you need to know before using Tyrvaya

Tyrvaya is for use in the nose.
Do not shake the bottles.

What is Tyrvaya® (varenicline solution)?

Tyrvaya is a prescription nasal spray used to treat the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch or call 1‑800‑FDA‑1088.

For additional safety information, click here for Prescribing Information and the Instructions for Use and discuss with your doctor.

Important Safety

What are the possible side effects of Tyrvaya?

The most common side effects of Tyrvaya include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation.

Important information you need to know before using Tyrvaya

Tyrvaya is for use in the nose.
Do not shake the bottles.

What is Tyrvaya® (varenicline solution)?

Tyrvaya is a prescription nasal spray used to treat the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch or call 1‑800‑FDA‑1088.

For additional safety information, click here for Prescribing Information and the Instructions for Use and discuss with your doctor.