Tyrvaya is a prescription nasal spray used to treat the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease


Video: Crystal's Tyrvaya® story

The transcript below only includes the audio portion of the video. Please see video for text and graphics.

Speaker – Crystal

Hi, my name is Crystal. I'm a mom of 1, an optician, and I have dry eye disease. I've been using Tyrvaya to treat my dry eye for about six months now. I used to struggle with different dry eye symptoms like itching, burning, and discomfort.

My doctor diagnosed me with dry eye disease in 2017. Over a period of time, it got worse. In the morning when I would wake up, it almost felt like my lids were not running smoothly against my cornea, and so it was uncomfortable, and it was frustrating. Throughout the day, I had to constantly like rub my eyes or just I was constantly blinking.

That did affect me in terms of work. I didn't feel as present with my family. So as my dry disease progressed, I was only able to wear my contact lenses for maybe a few hours a day, and eventually got to the point where I couldn't wear them at all. It affected everything. I didn't want to live my daily life feeling like I just, like there was something in my eye, like that's not fun. It is very frustrating and so, I wanted a solution, and the solutions that I tried were helpful. But as time went on, those helpful solutions weren't helpful anymore. I tried hot compresses and artificial tears, but they only provided me with temporary relief. I had to use the artificial tears every few hours because the relief just didn't last.

My doctor told me about Tyrvaya, which is a prescription nasal spray for dry eye disease. She explained to me that with the Tyrvaya, it kickstarts your body to produce its own natural tears and she had a lot of success with her other patients. I started noticing a difference in the way that my eyes felt within a few weeks. With Tyrvaya, my symptoms are so much better. I don't have that gritty sensation in my eyes anymore.

This is my personal experience with Tyrvaya; your experience might be different. Like I am so grateful for Tyrvaya. The increase in tears feels like a liquid blanket over my eyes. I would encourage anyone that has dry eye to speak with their doctor about Tyrvaya. It has really helped relieve my dry eye symptoms.

Real tears powered by Tyrvaya.

Tyrvaya is a prescription nasal spray used to treat the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease.

My doctor told me that the most common side effects of Tyrvaya include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation.

She reminded me that Tyrvaya is for use in the nose and told me not to shake the bottles.

She encouraged me to report any negative side effects to the FDA at www.fda.gov/medwatch or by calling 1‑800‑FDA‑1088.

For additional safety information, go to Tyrvaya.com for the Patient Information and Instructions for Use, and discuss with your doctor.

Patient featured in this video is a paid consultant.

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Important Safety

What are the possible side effects of Tyrvaya?

The most common side effects of Tyrvaya include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation.

Important information you need to know before using Tyrvaya

Tyrvaya is for use in the nose.
Do not shake the bottles.

What is Tyrvaya® (varenicline solution)?

Tyrvaya is a prescription nasal spray used to treat the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch or call 1‑800‑FDA‑1088.

For additional safety information, click here for Prescribing Information and the Instructions for Use and discuss with your doctor.

Important Safety

What are the possible side effects of Tyrvaya?

The most common side effects of Tyrvaya include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation.

Important information you need to know before using Tyrvaya

Tyrvaya is for use in the nose.
Do not shake the bottles.

What is Tyrvaya® (varenicline solution)?

Tyrvaya is a prescription nasal spray used to treat the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch or call 1‑800‑FDA‑1088.

For additional safety information, click here for Prescribing Information and the Instructions for Use and discuss with your doctor.